Taya Mâ Shere is a ritualist and priestess embracing embodied, earth-honoring devotion as liberatory spiritual practice.

new goodness from Taya Mâ

from the deep

an emergent mystery school of earth, sea, sound and soma

coming here in ripe time …

Taya Mâ serves as professor of Organic Multi-Religious Ritual at Starr King School for the Ministry where she teaches and co-convenes The House of Dates.

She created the acclaimed Jewish Ancestral Healing podcast and The Sarah & Hagar Series: Sacred Practice and Possibility at the Intersections of Judaism and Islam. She co-founded Makam-Shekhina, a Jewish and Sufi Muslim multi-religious community committed to counter-oppressive spiritual practice.

Taya Mâ co-founded the Kohenet movement and is co-author of The Hebrew Priestess: Ancient and New Visions of Jewish Women’s Spiritual Leadership and Siddur haKohanot: A Hebrew Priestess Prayerbook. Her Liberate Your Seder Haggadeck and co-created Omer Oracle invite ceremony as sacred play.

Her sacred chant albums have been heralded as "cutting-edge mystic medicine music…tapped into collective memory.”

Taya Mâ is currently tending movement chaplaincy for the movement for ceasefire in Gaza, making new music and dreaming into being From the Deep, an emergent mystery school of earth, sea and soma.

To inquire about working with Taya Mâ, reach out here.

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